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Student Chapters

San Francisco State University


The Wildlife Society student chapter at SFSU is a pre-professional student organization that connects students to opportunities to present research, learn more about animals and provides networking and training opportunities for future wildlife conservation and management fields. As a club we also take field trips to various natural sites in the Bay Area and interact with other student chapters. Graduates and undergraduate students welcomed. For more information, please find them on Facebook

Other Universities

If you would like a student chapter at your school, please feel free to contact us for more information. All students are welcome to join the  San Francisco Bay Area Chapter and attend our events, regardless of affiliation with a student chapter.

Scholarship Opportunity

Our friends at Animex Fencing provide our students the ability to attend the Western Section Annual Meeting every year. This scholarship is currently open for applications for the February 1-5, 2021 virtual meeting. Applications are due December 8, 2020. The application form can be downloaded here:





A special thank you to Animex, for providing this unique experience for our students.



The Wildlife Society (TWS), founded in 1937, is an international non-profit scientific and educational association dedicated to excellence in wildlife stewardship through science and education. The Chapter was founded in 1966. TWS’s mission is “To inspire, empower, and enable wildlife professionals to sustain wildlife populations and habitats through science-based management and conservation.”

© 2023 by The SF Bay Area Chapter of The Wildlife Society

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